Rail Cleaning Block

Member Price: £5.00
Non Member Price: £6.00
Back to Back Gauge

Please specify Finerscale or Intermediate standard
Member Price: £5.50
Non Member Price: £8.00
Track Gauge

Please specify Finerscale or Intermediate standard
Member Price: £5.00
Non Member Price: £7.00
Track & Wheel Gauge Pack

Please specify Finerscale or Intermediate standard
Member Price: £12.50
Non Member Price: £20.00
DOGA 3 point track tool

Member Price: £12.00
Non Member Price: £15.00
All the following Members Price: £3 & Non Members Price: £5
Sleeper Spacing Templates.
These come in 2 widths, with 2 different sleeper spacings.
DG1 – 8.5mm – Slightly further apart than Peco Streamline (which is based on a North American prototype). Suitable for most main lines.
DG2 – 9.5mm – Further apart, more suitable for secondary lines & yards. These can also be used as 6’ way gauges.
DG3 – 50.5mm between track centres being the same as Peco Streamline.
DG4 – 45.5mm is actually much closer to most spacing in the UK, but beware of clearance around curves & pointwork will need a little trimming.
DG5 – Platform Height and track spacing gauge

Provides a spacer giving 45.5mm between track centres instead of the more commonly used 50.5mm, giving a closer to scale appearance. Take care on curves though. Designed to be self-supporting by using the 2 parts glued back to back separated by the 2 smaller blocks.
DG6 – Conductor Rail Jig

Postage/Packaging Rates
Above prices are plus postage and packing. Goods are normally dispatched by 2nd class mail. Cost will be advised when ordering.
Payment by BACS prefered, but PayPal is available.
Europe/International Important – Unfortunately, due to the charges levied by the UK banks for conversion of foreign currency money orders, we can only accept money orders in UK Sterling.
Orders to:
Gerard Pearson
Sales Officer
Double O Gauge Association
Email: [email protected]