Why choose OO?
In Britain OO gauge is the most widely available commercial scale/gauge: large enough to allow a high level of detail to be modelled, yet small enough to build a reasonable layout without requiring large spaces. For this reason most people modelling British prototypes start in OO.
But there are more reasons than this to choose OO.
OO is the most flexible option in 4mm scale: unlike EM and P4 where the use of large radii curves throughout is essential, OO can accommodate itself to awkward or restricted spaces. This makes it ideal for building a home layout where limits on the available space may create “tight spots”.
And in OO you do not have to buy into a complete package of techniques and restrictions. You do not have to fit full compensation to all your stock – you can compensate some or all or none of your vehicles as you see fit. You do not have to handbuild all your track – but you can if you want. And you can upgrade your modelling standards piecemeal , over time : OO gauge is about incremental improvement unlike other 4mm gauges where more demanding techniques have to be adopted consistently from the beginning.
This also means that OO is the natural choice for any 4mm modeller who wants to build a large layout. Most modellers working in P4 and EM find the need to scratchbuild their track and assemble complex compensated chassis and advanced etched kits restricts them to building a small branchline layout. If you choose OO you can utilise ready-built track and RTR chassis,dramatically speeding up construction and allowing you to devote more time to other aspects of your layout such as landscapes and buildings. The DOGA can help you select the most compatible commercial track and wheels for the best running through our track and wheel standards. And we can show you how to improve the running of your stock and move on from basic RTR through detailing and upgraded models.
Today’s OO gauge modeller enjoys an unparalleled wealth of products from the trade, built to unprecedented levels of detail and accuracy. Choose OO and you can use these to kick-start your modelling, taking you several steps nearer to the layout of your dreams think that OO gauge is a “second best” solution. But many of the most famous names in the hobby, such as Edward Beal, J.H Ahern, Ken Northwood, P.D.Hancock, and Frank Dyer, have been committed to OO, and their tradition is carried on today by outstanding layouts such as New Annington, Stoke Bank and Tonbridge West Yard. OO gauge models can be – and are – built to the highest standards .Whatever your interests, whatever your aspirations, OO gauge is the flexible answer to your modelling needs.
For more on the History of OO, read Stephen Siddle’s account of the early days of the gauge.